What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is used to alleviate pain, manage stress, promote overall well being, and address specific ailments. It involves a trained practitioner inserting very small needles into the skin at specific points on a person’s body.

Acupuncture is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also referred to as East Asian Medicine or Classical Chinese Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system that has evolved over thousands of years. According to TCM, acupuncture helps balance “chi” (pronounced “chee”) — the life force believed to flow along meridians, or pathways, through the body.

Hylar Acupuncturist

Dr. Henry Vu – Traditional Medicine Doctor

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Natural health and Wellness

Acupuncture works by manipulating and enhancing Qi. Qi (chee) is described as the vital force in the body.

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Women's Health

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Pain Relief

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Natural Health


Frequently Asked Question about Acupuncture

Are the needles clean?

The needles are sterile, for one use and come in a sterilized package. After every use, they are immediately discarded.

How many treatments do I need?

Six to ten treatments is the minimum for most conditions

Are the needles painful?

The needles used in acupuncture are semiflexible and extremely thin. Reaction varies from person to person, but for the most part the needles do not hurt. On average, the needles are only inserted half an inch deep.

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Accupunture for Women’s Health

Traditional Chinese Medicine for Womens Health

Acupuncture can relieve menstrual cramps during the menses itself. With regular treatments leading up to her period, the pain can be avoided completely. TCM successfully treats the following women’s health issues: dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation – irregular menstrual cycles, amenorrhea, perimenopause, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and more.

Natural Treatment for PMS

Nearly 85 percent of women experience symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), including loss of sleep, headache, hot flashes, skin blemishes, back and muscle aches, mood swings and decreased concentration. Many women try numerous therapies, both pharmaceutical and natural. However, studies show acupuncture for PMS works to relieve many symptoms. 

Natural Treatment for Menopause

Menopause. It’s a word that can create anxiety for many women, and confusion for even more. What is menopause? How does it affect a woman’s well-being and what can be done to help alleviate the aggravating symptoms and changes that occur? Dr. Laurie Binder works to both help educate and treat women through all phases of their lives, including during menopause.

Cosmetic Acupuncture 

This treatment works as an anti-aging treatment in that insertion of needles into specific areas can help to promote collagen production,increasing blood flow,wrinkles and fine lines, sagging skin, puffy and/or sunken eyes, age spots and other discoloration, and lift droopy eyes and mouth corners. Facial acupuncture can help reduce active inflammation of the face as well as fade scars. 

Acupuncture Can Help In Weight Loss 

The acupuncture practitioner determines which points should be used with regard to the patient’s fat distribution, emotional status, eating habits and other factors.Giving the person a feeling of well-being which can suppress the desire for excess food, stimulate metaboliscm

The effects of acupuncture usually last at least six months and sometimes a year or more.

Acupuncture for Pain Relief

Traditional Chinese medicine and Acupuncture in Los Angeles

Natural and Drug Free Pain Solutions

Back Pain

Many people who have back pain say they’ve tried everything — heating pads, medication, stretches — and that nothing has helped.

One thing they have not have considered


Migraines, as well as any other disorder or condition, are caused by a disturbance in our life energy, also known as Qi. Migraines are typically caused by the stagnation of energies in the body. Regular treatments can correct this imbalance to prevent recurrences and stop active 


Laurie has worked with patients complaining of intense sciatic pain with excellent results, several having the pain resolved in just 1-2 treatments.

Musculoskeletal Pain

This includes acute and chronic pain in other parts of the body like muscles, tendons, joints and bones. Regular treatments can be used to relieve pain caused by trauma, postural issues, repetitive motions and overuse. Examples include neck pain, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, wrist, hip knee pain, sports injuries, work related injuries and more. Read more about

Abdominal Pain and Digestion

Gastrointestinal problems, digestive issues and chronic stomach pain are effectively treated naturally with TCM treatments. 

Acupuncture for Stress Relief


At one time or another, most of us experience stress. Feeling stress is a healthy response to events in our lives that are beyond our control. The stress response stems from the physical “fight or flight” syndrome that all animals experience when in dangerous or life-threatening situations. If this stress is chronic and consistent there can be long term physical and mental effects. Traditional Chinese medicine has been used to relieve stress for centuries.


Anxiety may occur with long-term or chronic stressful situations. Chronic overthinking, overworry, or racing thoughts can lead to a panic disorder or anxiety attack. Similar to stress reactions, they can cause physical symptoms that over time can create imbalance and ultimately disease. There are treatments that quiet the mind and calm the Shen. These points work immediately, and can have a calming effect for several days.   More about


Insomnia may be caused by stress, traumatic events, or physical changes such as menopause. Traditional Oriental Medicine identifies the underlying cause, and rebalance the body for a good nights sleep.

Cosmetic Accupuncture 

What is cosmetic acupuncture?

Cosmetic acupuncture, also known as facial or facial rejuvenation acupuncture, uses acupuncture needles and other tools of Chinese medicine to improve the skin and assist the aging process. It is a natural, minimally invasive alternative to treatments such as Botox, chemical peels and face-lift surgeries. 

How does it work?

This treatment works as an anti-aging treatment in that insertion of needles into specific areas can help to promote collagen production, in part by increasing blood flow to the area and stimulating the body’s repair system. As a result, a multitude of symptoms and conditions can be improved: wrinkles and fine lines, sagging skin, puffy and/or sunken eyes, age spots and other discoloration, and lift droopy eyes and mouth corners. It should be noted that facial acupuncture can also be a great treatment for those facing acne or other skin conditions of the face for the same reasons above; facial acupuncture can help reduce active inflammation of the face as well as fade scars. 

This treatment uses points 

This treatment uses points over the entire body to help to directly aid in the improvement of the appearance of the face as well as increase overall well-being and internal health, much like a regular acupuncture session would. Each treatment is individualized for the patient and their specific concerns and health.